Thursday, January 06, 2005

You're a guest, help clean up...

When making a cross-country move, packing is like leaving a friend's house and putting away your friend's toys 'cause you have to return everything to their places as they were before they came. Bu you don't want to- you've had fun at your friend's house, missing his toys and your friend.

I'm moving within a few weeks and I am packing up right now. but I am packing only relectantly cause I don't really want to leave. I don't really like where I'm living now but I'll miss my friends.

Colorado I could have enjoyed just for the enviroment but I had many good friends I had to leave behind and there are twelve other moves I've made. This is routine, revolution as lethargy (later I'll develop this portion of the post). Throughout these movements the words I consistently think of come from songs like Jars of Clay's "Goodbye, Goodnight". Sad stuff, looking at life from a sinking ship, trying to always to get a few last words, a last dance, a last song before everthing sinks. Also the the title "Running to Stand Still" constant persistent motion to arrive at a stable conclusion. So to say it hurts trying to work through all these motions while also trying to stop. It also hurts when a friend is in a "Hello, Goodbye" situation, they're trying to say hello and I'm trying to say goodbye. I genuinely despise this sort of stuff but it's part of life. I would like to one day stand still or to make a move that is my own but but that is not happening now, oh well...


At 9:55 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww... buddy, I don't want you to go either, but I know the Lord has some Big plans for you and your family... so chin up ol' chap... cause I, as well as so many others love you!

At 8:59 a.m., Blogger Eucharisto said...

I definitely know how you feel, having moved an even 10 my self. Really, though, it's six to one, half-dozen to another for us here in CO, 'cause we'll still visit you, whether you're on the east coast or the west coast. Actually, if I do end up fulfilling your fortelling (Biola, CA), it'll be even easier to visit you (or vice versa). Anyway, may you have ease as you "clean up", and may your "house guests" not be too demanding (or stay too long!).

At 4:08 p.m., Blogger Meiska said...


At 8:42 a.m., Blogger Meiska said...

I helped! I played music for the people who were actually doing something!


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